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Welcome to our Library

Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) Central Library is fully designed with the quality objectives of the university as outlined in its quality educational policy. The library is committed to empowering the university to achieve its mission of offering most up-to-date quality education, research and innovation in order to produce leaders in the fields of engineering, technology, enterprise development, environmental science and other applied sciences to be fitted in the needs of a fast growing world by providing speedy and timely access to relevant, current and quality information resources for teaching, learning, research and innovation. The library vision is to create an information system based on the arena of the art technology to promote scholarship. In order to deliver quality services that consistently meet and endeavor to exceed the expectations of our users we are trying to uphold the core values of the university which focuses on quality, coefficient, teamwork, accountability, professionalism, integrity, patriotism, dynamism, innovation and transparency.

The library belongs a print book stock of more than 52, 000 volumes whose bibliographic details can be accessed by faculties, staff and students in every where via online public access catalogue (OPAC). To provide divers information seeking behaviors of our library users while putting into a quality education and research the ever growing student and staff numbers and different learning mode e.g. e-Learning, the library has subscribed to about 32,000 electronic journals and over 22,000 electronic books which are available to our users through the internet and are accessible for use at one’s own convenience using our OPAC plat form also. Besides, It has an institutional repository in the name of CUET digital repository to disseminate its own published digitized documents like thesis paper, dissertation, reports, proceedings articles etc. for further sharing in new innovation. To create awareness of the resources available to enable users make full use of them, the library organizes orientation days for any new library user. 

I therefore call upon all the library users appetite for knowledge seeking and relevant information as to be competent for the new world which is ever growing to dedicate time and make effort to visit our physical and digital library in order to benefit from the wealth of information resources available in various formats in our belongings.

Md. Abdul Khalaque Sarker

Email: [email protected]
