Department of Physics

Message from Head

The ultimate efforts of the Department of Physics are based on teaching and research, as expected from a university department. In order to achieve research impact, all teachers along with the postgraduate students are dedicatedly involved in quality research works in their individual area of interest. As a result, the environment in the Department is highly collaborative, with close interaction between the different research groups in terms of sharing resources and providing peer-instruction to the students of postgraduate programs. This allowed a critical mass of research effort in a small department and considerable successes in terms of highly cited publications and postgraduate degrees awarded. We also offer physics courses in both theoretical and experimental to the undergraduate students of other degree awarding departments of this university.

In the year 2009, the Department organized a national conference at our university campus with a variety of scopes in physical sciences and technology. Since the year 2015, the Department has been organizing “International Conference on Physics for Sustainable Development and Technology (ICPSDT)” as a two-yearly regular event. Eminent scientists and researchers from home and abroad participate in every conference to share their innovative ideas and distinguished research works with all other participants. The ICPSDT, undoubtedly, has been playing an important role as a ground of knowledge sharing and building functional communication amongst prospective researchers around the world.

We believe that our commitment to ensure quality teaching will keep strengthening our efforts to find this Department as an icon of physics education in near future. 

Dr. H. M. A. R. Maruf


Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: 02-334490158, 01815825737