Department of Mathematics

Message from Head

On behalf of all faculties, staffs and students of the department of Mathematics, I would like to welcome you all to our Department. Everyone knows a little bit of math. Minimum mathematical knowledge is essential for managing life properly. Those who are deprived of education also know how to count. No man can survive without mathematics. Not only human beings but all the creatures of the world have the minimum knowledge of mathematics. Everything from microscopic bacteria to plants, the sky, the air, the planets and stars have a touch of mathematics. It is not possible to keep anything running without mathematical rules. Human civilization has improved with the advancement of mathematics. Many of us do not know this. What we do not know is that behind all that is aesthetically pleasing in our environment lies the proper application of mathematical reasoning. But in childhood, mathematics is presented to us as a scary subject. And its effect lasts a lifetime. Even Einstein said himself “Do not worry too much about your difficulties in mathematics, I can assure you that mine are still greater.”
  The Department of Mathematics at Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET) was launched with the aim of preparing students and researchers in Mathematics with a width of knowledge of the other sciences and technologies. Besides the offered MPhil and PhD research areas in Mathematics Department, we are responsible for the undergraduate mathematics courses of different engineering branches at CUET.
  In the year 2015, we successfully organized National Conference on Mathematics and Application (NCMA-2015). We have plan to organize an International Conference in Dec’2021 to provide a platform to the researcher in national and international arena to present their research. Seminar/ webinar will also be organized by the department with the help of Mathematical Society and CUET administration. A Math Club will be launched soon to help programming students and to organize Math Olympiad and other contest on behalf of the department to overcome Math phobia of CUET students.
  We are focusing to form an Alumni Association to make a connection to our graduates with their Alma mater.

Dr. Musammet Tahmina Akter


Email: [email protected]
