Dr. Md. Abdul Hai
Dr. Md. Abdul Hai
Associate Professor
E-mail Address
About Myself

Dr. Md. Abdul Hai is currently involved as an Associate Professor at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh. He is also a research-member of HELSUS at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He earned his doctoral degree on the topic "Social acceptance of solar energy as intention, willingness, and readiness" from the University of Helsinki, Finland. He obtained a prestigious Academy of Finland grant (grant number: 286468) under New Energy Project to continue his doctoral study. Meanwhile, he also received the Finnish Government CIMO fellowship grant (grant number: TM-15-9737) for seven months. Later, he obtained Faculty of Social Sciences grant, dissertation completion grant, and final stage doctoral researcher grant from the University of Helsinki. He also obtained dissertation editing and printing grant from the same university. He had the opportunity to participate in many national and international conferences and seminars as a doctoral researcher. He received FinCEAL Plus travel grant and Faculty of Social Sciences travel grant to participate in international conferences held in Tunisia, Malaysia, Italy, and Bangladesh. Dr. Hai was also nominated to receive a European Consortium for Political Research - ECPR Travel and Accommodation grant to participate in the 4th ECPR Teaching and Learning summer school in Bratislava, Slovakia in 2018.

Dr. Hai also earned his position as a Professional Teacher (AmO, 60 ECTS in Pedagogy,Finland) in 2020. He also received trainings to apply Virtual reality (VR) technology in education on 3.3.2020 at Practicum, Pariisinkatu 3, 00550 Helsinki and on 6.3.2020 at Folkhälsan, Topeliuksenkatu 20, 00250 Helsinki, Finland. He had his BSS and MSS degrees in Sociology from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He obtained his second MS degree in International Business Management from the University of Gloucestershire, UK. His education in diversified fields has induced him to transdisciplinary research interest that includes social engineering, social acceptability, community solar energy, consumer behaviour, employee performance appraisal, poverty, and child welfare mainly. He has publications in those areas. Dr. Hai acted as the third editor of the book Users’ Acceptance of Renewable Solutions (2015) published by Aalto University, Finland. It was an honour for Dr. Hai to be a part of the book launch event of that edited book on 27 November at Design Factory of Aalto University, where Finish Parliament member Satu Hassi, the then Italian Ambassador, four deans of Aalto University, the Rector of Tampere University Liisa Laakso and many other scholars participated and shared their remarks. The book lunch event was covered by the Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription newspaper in Finland.

Dr. Hai has teaching experiences at different universities since 2012. By the side of his teaching experience in Bangladesh, he conducted courses and acted as guest lecturer in Finland at the University of Helsinki (e.g.,  Poverty Research SOSM-YP301, Specialisation Field of the COS programme II: Icons of Inequality, WELLBEING, SOSM-YP304: GROUP 2), Aalto University, and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences since October 2015. He also supervised master's students at the University of Helsinki to conduct small-scale research on different poverty related issues for a period of 5 years since October 2015. He had the opportunity and honour to deliver a lecture on entrepreneurship education in terms of its concept, history, nature in Finnish context, methodologies, roles of teachers and students in a vocational teaching environment held on 10.03.2020 from 9:00-12:00 hrs at the Urban Mill - Building IntenCity, Betonimiehenkuja 3 E, 02150 Espoo, Finland. He also acted as an external evaluator and expert of the energy research works related to social acceptability at Aalto University, Finland (15.12.2021). Dr. Hai also acted as a visiting researcher at the University of Malaya, Malaysia and at the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is a regular reviewer of Sage One journal. He also acted as a reviewer of some journals such as Energy Research and Social SciencesInnovation and Green Development, SAGE Open, etc. Dr. Hai acted as an organising member of the International seminar "Towards Sustainable Green Society (TSGS)", in Espoo, Finland, held on 29 October, 2021 where renowned scholars from different parts of the world including Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus also participated. Dr. Hai is lifetime member of the esteemed Social Acceptability Study (SAS) Network of Aalto University, Finland. He is also a lifetime member and existing treasurer(2022-2023) of the Bangladesh Doctorate's Platform in Finland – BDPF.  He continuously provides expert roles and deliver important key speeches on topics of his interest (e.g. as guest of honour). Dr. Hai acted as the Co-Chair of a session of the international conference titled "1st International Conference on Sustainable Circular Business, Technology and Societies (ICSCBTS)"  held on 5th November 2022. Recently, he acted as the third editor of the book  titled "Onnasa: Contemporary Thoughts, Literature and Research" (2024), Helsinki: Finland, ISBN: 978-952-65477-0-1.

Field of Interest

Social Acceptance of Energy Technologies, Renewable Energy Acceptance, Sustainable Energy Transition, Teaching Pedagogy,  Street Children, Pavement Dwellers, PA Effectiveness, Employee & Customer Satisfaction.


PhD (University of Helsinki, Finland); AmO (60 ECTS in Teaching Pedagogy, Finland); MS in IBM (University of Gloucestershire, UK); BSS & MSS in Sociology (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh);  Studied  "BE101x:Behavioural Economics in Action" course (online, University of Toronto, Canada), PHYS-E0582 - Special Course in Advanced Energy Technologies 2 V D & Ene-59.4310 - Special Course in Energy for Communities” (Aalto University, Finland). 

Serial NoTitleAuthorsInformationsYear
1Social acceptance of solar energy as intention, willingness, and readiness.Hai, Md. Abdulbook published by the University of Helsinki, Finland. ISBN: 978-951-51-7015-62021
2An Assessment of Students' Enthusiasm for Pre-Class PreparationHai, M. A. & Geraets, J. A.Open Journal of Social Sciences, 11, 112-134. doi: 10.4236/jss.2023.118008.2023
3Rethinking the social acceptance of solar energy: ExploringHai, Md. AbdulEnergy Research & Social Science, 51, 96-106. [ERSS1101].
4Public readiness to adopt solar energy - responses of some Finnish citizens.Hai, M. A., Mekhilef, S., & Hossain, K. M.Journal of clean energy technologies, 6(4), 268-277. [473].
5Results of intention-behaviour gap for solar energy in regular residential buildings in Finland.Hai, M. A., Moula, M. M. E., & Seppälä, U-M.International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 317-329.
6Social acceptance of renewables.Hai, M. A., Moula, M. E., & Lahdelma, R.In M. E. Moula, R. Lahdelma, & M. A. Hai (Eds.). Users’ Acceptance of Renewable Solutions (1 ed., pp. 10-31). Aalto University.2015
7Users’ Acceptance of Renewable SolutionsM. E. Moula, R. Lahdelma, & M. A. Hai (Eds.)Aalto University.2015
8Problems faced by the street children: A study on some selected places in Dhaka City, Bangladesh.Hai, M. A.International journal of scientific and technology research, 3(10), 45-56.
9Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: An Evaluation of McDonald's in the UK.Hai, Md. Abdulbook published by Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.2012