Md. Mustiafiz Al-Mamun
Md. Mustiafiz Al-Mamun
Associate Professor
E-mail Address
About Myself

.Full Member - Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB)

.Member Secretary (Education) - IAB Chattogram Chapter (2019-2020)

.Member - International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), Netherlands

Field of Interest

Biophilic Architecture; Water Sensitive Peri-Urban Design and Landscape; Urban Morphology; Urban Planning and  Environmental Management; Sustainable Tourism and Heritage Architecture.


PhD-candidate in Landscape Architecture, TU Delft, Netherlands (2022-continue)

M.Sc. in Urban Environmental Management (AIT, Thailand),

Bachelor of Architecture (Khulna University, Bangladesh) 

Serial NoTitleAuthorsInformationsYear
1‘Walkability for Urban Sustainability: Study of Pedestrian Traffic in Chittagong,’Al Mamun, M. M., Begum, A. A, and Mowla, Q. A.,Journal of Jahangirnagar Planning Review (peer-review journal), ISSN: 1728-4198,’2018
2‘Reshaping to liveable future: an alternative approach to sustainable water-based peri-urban morphology design,’M.M. Al MamunElsevier Urban Transitions, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain,2018
3‘Analysis the Opportunities and Prospects of Negligible Space under Flyover: A Case Study on Bahaddarhat Flyover, Chittagong.Al-Mamun, M. M., Shehrin, R., Hoque, F. and Haider, M.,1st International Conference on Green Architecture: Prospects and Challenges of Going Green, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol.2, pp. 142-166.2017
4‘Analysis of Noise Pollution Impacting Educational Institutes near Busy Traffic Nodes in Chittagong City,’Al-Mamun, M. M., Shil, A., Paul, A., and Paul, P.,1st International Conference on Green Architecture: Prospects and Challenges of Going Green, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol.1, pp. 127-133.2017
5‘Rethinking the Residential building set back rules of BNBC for a sustainable development of Chittagong City,’Al-Mamun, M. M., Ahmed, I., Mandal, D. and Begum, A. A.,4th International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, PSRC & ISAET, Pattaya, Thailand, Vol.2, pp. 95-98.2015
6‘Air oriented urban form: To develop an Eco-City in the tropical urban area,’Al Mamun, M. M. and Begum, A. A. (2014),21st International Seminar on Urban Form,’ the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, Vol.2, pp.205-2172014
7‘Walkable Pedestrian Circulation’: Enhancing Sustainable Development of Chittagong Metropolitan City, Bangladesh,’Al Mamun, M. Mustiafiz and Begum, A. Ara,‘The fourth Annual Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment,’ Japan, pp. 85-110.2014
8‘Architectural perception on Sri Ramakrishna’s Philosophy,’Al-Mamun, M. M.VDM Publishing House Ltd, Germany, Printed U.S.A. & U.K, p- 192.2010
9‘Architecture: Folk heritage and Mohammad Sayeedur,’Begum, A. A. and Al-Mamun, M. M.Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, Printed in U.S.A. & U.K, p-162.2012
10Stakeholder analysis matrix for buffer zone management in the peri-urban area of Chittagong, BangladeshMamun. Md Mustiafiz Al, and Kim. Sohee MinsunEnvironment, Development and Sustainability2019